How to Crochet Edges around Fleece Blankets – Beginner Crochet Tutorial

How to crochet edges around a fleece blanket

Giving somebody a blanket is one of the nicest gifts I can think of. Blankets provide warmth and comfort, it’s basically like giving away a permanent hug. Even better if the blanket is handmade with love.

I was absolutely thrilled when I learned out how to crochet edges around fleece blankets. You get to combine lovely fabrics and cool prints with your favourite crochet stitches and colour combinations, to make beautiful comfy blankets for your loved ones.

Follow the steps in this tutorial to create your own blanket with a crochet edge.

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DIY: Forest Leaves Tea Lights

Enjoy your local nature in your home with these easy to make tea lights.

DIY - Nature Tea Lights made with local leaves and flowers. #diy #craft #nature

Simply collect flowers and leaves from local trees when you’re out for a walk. Pick the ones you like the most, but make sure to have a good variety of sizes, shapes, and colours.

You’ll also need some soil (from your garden or for flower pots), double-sided tape and jars of your choice, such as mason jars. Continue reading DIY: Forest Leaves Tea Lights